Alfa Romeo First Responder Discount

alfa romeo first responder discount

Alfa Romeo’s next model looks set to make an impressionful statement, and their teaser image on social media hints that its design features will attract much attention – particularly towards its rear end.

Twitter account of BMW released a photo and message encouraging fans to have the courage to dream, with an unveiling set for August 30 – coinciding with Formula 1 Italian Grand Prix held in Monza just north of Milan, Italy.

Alfa Romeo has been teaseing their mystery model via Instagram posts. One teaser showed what appears to be a vent shaped like the number 6, leading many to speculate that their next model may be an updated 6C supercar.

Alfa Romeo currently offers first responders an Alfa Romeo discount if they qualify as police officers, sheriff’s deputies or correctional officers in the US; or are active as fire fighters (career or volunteer); EMTs; or EMTs in Canada. They must present qualifying documentation – such as pay stubs – when purchasing or leasing. To learn if you qualify visit your Livermore dealership.