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F45 is an international fitness community known for their fast and enjoyable high intensity group workouts. By combining elements of high intensity interval training (HIIT), circuit training and functional training, they provide a total body experience that boosts energy levels, metabolism, strength and endurance.
They offer 27 distinct, 45-minute workout experiences. Some days are focused on cardio, while others incorporate strength training.
Each class is supervised by one or two trainers who explain the workout at the start and circulate throughout it to encourage, motivate, and offer assistance with exercises. They know all of the workouts inside-and-out so they can grab alternate equipment if someone needs adjustments due to an injury or needs different gear altogether.
The studios also feature big screens where Cory George, known as the “face of F45,” demonstrates each movement and plays it on repeat throughout the interval.
Newcomers to this style of workout should expect many repetitions. Many exercises involve compound movements (squats, lunges, push-ups) which require stability and the use of bodyweight for success.
At times, you’ll be working out in a group of up to 50 people; therefore, the instructor’s instructions can seem intimidating at first glance. But rest assured – they do an outstanding job of explaining each exercise and offering modifications as needed.
Since 2011, this company has amassed over 800 franchises across 27 countries. It utilizes a structured system that blends high-intensity interval workouts with functional training to great success, particularly among college students and millennials.