First Responder Discount at Callaway Gardens

callaway gardens first responder discount

Callaway Gardens was established by the Callaways with one goal in mind – creating a place for families and friends alike to gather. Now located on 2,500 acres in Pine Mountain, Georgia, Callaway Gardens welcomes all with open arms; visitors are treated like family by those working there and those visiting as they share love for humanity by working there themselves.

Staff and horticulture students took a break to visit Callaway Gardens’ Discovery Center, which features an informational video about Callaway Gardens. Director of Education Patricia Collins then conducted a tour through Callaway Gardens’ facilities; on this tour she discussed its history as well as how the garden has developed over time; finally they viewed exhibits, educational wing, and gift shop before leaving.

Next, the group visited greenhouses where production managers discussed production procedures, greenhouse temperatures and plant varieties; as well as learning about potting soils and fertilizers used by the garden. Finally, the group observed staff fill orders for various plants and flowers from within their own greenhouse.

After their tour, horticultural students enjoyed dinner at The Gardens Restaurant located on Lake Creek Lake. The Gardens restaurant serves as the original golf clubhouse for the garden and has become a favorite spot among guests, including Cason Callaway’s family and friends. Their upscale menu boasts lemon-scented shrimp and Chilean seabass among many other offerings.