Hyundai First Responder Discount WARNING
Hyundai Motor America offers eligible customers who purchase or lease an eligible new Hyundai vehicle an incentive known as the First Responders Program Bonus cash rebates of $100-$1000. All first responders qualify as eligible first responders, including active police officers (Sheriff/Sheriff Deputies), correctional officers, State Troopers and Federal Law Enforcement officers as well as firefighters – paid or volunteer alike, EMT/Paramedics/911 Dispatchers as well as their spouses/dependants. Check with participating dealership for details and eligibility requirements of this program, which requires credit approval before taking delivery of vehicle within program period. Not valid on service loaner or demo vehicles and cannot be combined with any other offers by dealer; for more details contact your participating dealer today! All Rights Are Reserved by 2019 Hyundai Motor America – Please see participating dealer for complete details and eligibility criteria.