Uber Eats Offers First Responder Discounts

uber eats first responder discount

Ordering food online to be delivered right to your door can save time and money, but sometimes food delivery apps charge extra fees that add up quickly for first responders and other public servants. Luckily, several restaurants provide complimentary Uber Eats delivery for members of the service community; you can locate them by browsing through the scrolling carousel on the left of the app homepage or entering “free delivery” into the search bar; special deals may also be listed in the menu section of the app.

Pincho Factory in Miami recently made headlines when it announced that hospital and emergency workers can enjoy discounted meals until further notice at any of its nine locations (you must present valid ID). If you know anyone in these fields, please pass along this savings opportunity!

Subscribe to Uber Eats’ email list and you could become first in line for exclusive offers and promo codes! Plus, be the first to learn of new restaurant partnerships or promotions – their email list has been carefully curated to deliver only the best offers and news!

And don’t forget to tip your drivers and delivery people; they are doing so much for their communities in light of this pandemic. Now it is easier than ever – all past rides and deliveries in Uber app allow users to add tips.