Autozone First Responder Discount
Autozone stores frequently offer military discounts with valid ID. When ready to checkout, simply present your military ID to the cashier or store manager for them to apply it to your purchase – including products as well as services like oil changes and battery replacement. Note that availability may differ by area so always ask before beginning shopping as policies can change over time.
Take advantage of free next-day delivery on eligible Autozone orders to save even more by taking advantage of their 90-day return guarantee on in-stock items if something doesn’t quite suit you! Autozone’s convenient next day icon shows which products qualify. Plus, with their 90 day return guarantee policy you’ve nothing to worry about should your purchase not satisfy.
Autozone offers several in-store services designed to make DIY car repair projects simpler, such as its Fix Finder tool which helps customers identify what’s triggering their check engine light illumination, as well as its Loan-A-Tool program which allows customers to leave a deposit for specialty tools before returning them once used.
Autozone is the leading U.S. seller of automotive aftermarket parts and accessories, and continues to expand both online and in-store market share. Their innovative e-commerce platform with pickup/delivery options helps set them apart from rivals; Autozone has even exceeded EPS estimates in 10 of 12 quarters over this time frame, suggesting more growth if seasonally adjusted VMT returns back up to pre-COVID-19 levels.