Barnes and Noble offers bibliophiles an unparalleled reading experience, from discovering new releases by their favorite authors to revisiting timeless classics that they hold close. The company carries an expansive selection of hardcover, paperback, e-book books available in multiple formats – hardback, paperback and electronic. Their website allows customers to search books by categories like Customer Favorites, Award Winners, Best Sellers, New Releases and NY Times Bestsellers as well as Classics by Author.
The Barnes and Noble First Responder Discount offers students, teachers, first responders and military personnel an easy way to save on books at either online or store locations. You can redeem this offer online or in store; just enter the coupon code into the Coupons field during checkout to claim this savings opportunity!
B&N recently unveiled its revamped membership program, unveiling a lower annual fee of just $40 that offers all purchases, both inside and outside physical stores, a 10% discount according to CEO James Daunt. This program replaces an earlier program which cost $25 annually but provided discounts in stores to 5.5 million members only.
B&N is employing a technique called priming to encourage customers to join. Posters and danglers with member benefits are displayed throughout stores to entice customers, with hopes that this small investment will result in more frequent visits and engagement with their bookstore, taking advantage of what’s known as “sunk cost effect,” where people continue an effort once they have invested money, effort or time into it.